Denis Machard

My technical gists

Infrastructure architect by profession but always consider himself as a developer and an open source enthusiast.
@github @mastodon @rss

How to manage LUA records from PowerDNS software with terraform

This post details how to manage LUA records with dynamic updates and terraform with your authoritative server.


Enable LUA records and DNS update to your pdns.conf


Create a Tsig key and set metadata to your zone to authorize DNSUPDATE and AXFR with TSIG authentication.


Provider configuration

The documentation of the provider powerdns-gslb is available in the terraform registry

  1. Create a file

  2. Install the provider “powerdns-glsb” then, run terraform init.

terraform {
  required_providers {
    powerdns-gslb = {
      source = "dmachard/powerdns-gslb"
      version = "1.3.0"
  1. Configure your provider with address of the DNS server to send updates to and TSIG authentication parameters
provider "powerdns-gslb" {
    server        = ""
    key_name      = "test."
    key_algo      = "hmac-sha256"
    key_secret    = "SxEKov9vWTM+c7k9G6ho5nK.....n5nND5BOHzE6ybvy0+dw=="

Create custom LUA record

Create the source powerdns-gslb_lua then, run terraform apply.

resource "powerdns-gslb_lua" "svc1" {
  zone = "home.internal."
  name = "test_lua"
  record {
    rrtype = "A"
    ttl = 5
    snippet = "ifportup(8082, {'', ''})"

You can removed the record by running terraform destroy.

Create pre-configured record

Some resources are available for ifurlup, ifportup, pickrandom and wpickrandom

resource "powerdns-gslb_pickrandom" "foo" {
  zone = "home.internal."
  name = "test_pickrandom"
  record {
    rrtype = "A"
    ttl = 5
    addresses = [ 
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