Denis Machard

My technical gists

Infrastructure architect by profession but always consider himself as a developer and an open source enthusiast.
@github @mastodon @rss

How to send all your DNS queries to a pool of public resolvers with DNSdist

In this very basic example, the goal is to send all your local DNS queries (udp/tcp) to a pool of public resolvers (without encryption).

Basic configuration

dnsdist is configured to make a load balancing (round robin) between all public resolvers configured. A dns cache is enabled to optimize the traffic. We assume you have dnsdist 1.6 minimum installed on your machine.

Configuration: /etc/dnsdist/dnsdist.conf

-- Dns services

-- udp/tcp dns listening
setLocal("", {})

-- dns caching
pc = newPacketCache(10000, {})

-- Pools

pool_resolv = "resolvers"

-- members definition
  name = "google",
  address = "",
  pool = pool_resolv,

  name = "quad9",
  address = "",
  pool = pool_resolv,

-- set the load balacing policy to use
setPoolServerPolicy(roundrobin, pool_resolv)

-- enable cache for the pool

-- Rules

-- matches all incoming traffic and send-it to the pool of resolvers
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