Denis Machard

My technical gists

Infrastructure architect by profession but always consider himself as a developer and an open source enthusiast.
@github @mastodon @rss

Custom LUA config with DNSdist

This post gives some examples of LUA code to modify the behavior of your dnsdist

Resolve hostname

This exemple enable to make dns resolution at startup.

local f = assert(io.popen('getent hosts <YOURDNSNAME> | cut -d " " -f 1', 'r'))
local dnscollector = f:read('*a') or ""
dnscollector = string.gsub(dnscollector, "\n$", "")

fstl = newFrameStreamTcpLogger(dnscollector.. ":6000")

Get hostname

Example to get the hostname of your machine and reuse-it in your dnsdist config

local f = io.popen ("/bin/hostname")
local hostname = f:read("*a") or "dnsdist"
hostname = string.gsub(hostname, "\n$", "")

addAction(AllRule(), DnstapLogAction(hostname, fstl))
addResponseAction(AllRule(), DnstapLogResponseAction(hostname, fstl))
addCacheHitResponseAction(AllRule(), DnstapLogResponseAction(hostname, fstl))
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