Denis Machard

My technical gists

Infrastructure architect by profession but always consider himself as a developer and an open source enthusiast.
@github @mastodon @rss

Dynamic blacklist with CDB database on DNSdist

A DNSdist configuration example to block big list of ads/malwares domains effectively with a CDB database and dynamic reload.

Download the following CDB blocklist file and put-it in /etc/dnsdist/conf.d/

The latest version of the configuration can be downloaded from github.

--- open your CDB database 
--- dnsdist with reload this database every 3600s
kvs = newCDBKVStore("/etc/dnsdist/conf.d/blocklist.cdb", 3600)

-- block domains ?
addAction(KeyValueStoreLookupRule(kvs, KeyValueLookupKeyQName(false)), SetTagAction('policy_block', ''))
addAction(TagRule('policy_block'), SpoofAction({"", "::1"}))

--- or answer with NXDOMAIN
--- addAction(TagRule('policy_block'), RCodeAction(DNSRCode.NXDOMAIN))

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