DNS tunneling protection with DNSdist
A DNSdist configuration example to attempt to block DNS tunnelling.
The global approach is to blacklist IP when some malicious behaviour are detected:
- Uncommon DNS Qtype like NULL, PRIVATE are blocked
- A generic regex to block long successive DNS label with whitelist to avoid false-positive
- Apply some rate limitations per IP
The latest version of the configuration can be downloaded from github.
-- Generic rules to block malicious dns traffic like DNS tunneling
-- remote security events logger based on dnstap
security_dnstap_logger = newFrameStreamTcpLogger("")
-- trusted domains to exclude
trusted_domains = newSuffixMatchNode()
-- blacklist ip during 60s
blacklisted_ips = TimedIPSetRule()
local function blacklistIP(dq)
blacklisted_ips:add(dq.remoteaddr, 60)
return DNSAction.Refused
addAction(blacklisted_ips:slice(), RCodeAction(DNSRCode.REFUSED))
-- match uncommon qtype like NULL (10), PRIVATE (65399) - works fine to block iodine
addAction(AndRule({OrRule({QTypeRule(10), QTypeRule(65399)}), NotRule(SuffixMatchNodeRule(trusted_domains, true)) }), SetTagAction('malicious_qtypes', 'matched'))
-- match long qname - 2 labels with a minimum of 50 bytes each - works fine to block tools like iodine, dnscat2, dns2tcp...
-- to avoid false-positive. The regex has been tested on the top 1 million list exposed by Cisco Umbrella http://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/umbrella-static/top-1m.csv.zip
addAction(AndRule({RegexRule('([^.]{50,}\\.){2,}'), NotRule(SuffixMatchNodeRule(trusted_domains, true)) }), SetTagAction('malicious_longqnames', 'matched'))
-- rate limiting on TXT, CNAME and MX
addAction(AndRule({ MaxQPSIPRule(5, 32, 64, 5), OrRule({QTypeRule(DNSQType.TXT), QTypeRule(DNSQType.CNAME), QTypeRule(DNSQType.MX)}), NotRule(SuffixMatchNodeRule(trusted_domains, true)) }), SetTagAction('malicious_ratelimiting', 'matched'))
-- logging malicious queries on remote dnstap logger
addAction(TagRule('malicious_qtypes'), DnstapLogAction("event_deniedqtypes_detected", security_dnstap_logger))
addAction(TagRule('malicious_longqnames'), DnstapLogAction("event_longqnames_detected", security_dnstap_logger))
addAction(TagRule('malicious_ratelimiting'), DnstapLogAction("event_ratelimiting_detected", security_dnstap_logger))
-- finally refuses and blacklist client ip during limited time
addAction(TagRule('malicious_qtypes'), LuaAction(blacklistIP))
addAction(TagRule('malicious_longqnames'), LuaAction(blacklistIP))
addAction(TagRule('malicious_ratelimiting'), LuaAction(blacklistIP))
-- Update the dynamic blocks with refused reply by default
-- Rate exceeded detection with automatic ip blacklisting during 60s
-- * max bw to 1000bytes/s during 5s
local dbr = dynBlockRulesGroup()
dbr:setResponseByteRate(1000, 5, "Exceeded resp BW rate", 60)
-- check dynamic rule every second
function maintenance()