Denis Machard

My technical gists

Infrastructure architect by profession but always consider himself as a developer and an open source enthusiast.
@github @mastodon @rss

Secure DNSTAP streams with TLS encryption in CoreDNS

In this post, you will see how to enable TLS encryption for outgoing dnstap streams with CoreDNS. Before proceeding, please refer to How to enable it on main dns servers to enable DNStap in basic way.

Note: TLS support in CoreDNS is available starting from version 1.11

Enable Secure DNSTAP with CoreDNS

Begin by creating a dedicated working folder for your secure DNStap configurations:

mkdir securednstap
cd securednstap

Create a file named config_coredns.conf in your working folder with the following contents:

.:53 {
        dnstap tls:// full {
        forward .

Here’s what the configuration does:

  • tls:// is used to specify TLS encryption.
  • should be replaced with the IP/port address of your DNStap collector.
  • skipverify is used to skip TLS verification. Do not use this setting in a production environment

Execute CoreDNS with the following command:

sudo docker run -d -p 1053:53/tcp -p 1053:53/udp --name=coredns -v $PWD/config_coredns.conf:/config.conf coredns/coredns:1.11.1 -conf /config.conf

Check the CoreDNS logs to verify the configuration:

sudo docker logs coredns
[ERROR] plugin/dnstap: No connection to dnstap endpoint: dial tcp connect: connection refused
linux/amd64, go1.20.7, ae2bbc2

At this stage, you might encounter an error indicating that there is no connection to the DNStap collector. This is expected because the remote DNStap collector is not yet running.

Running DNS-collector

To collect DNS logs with a secure DNStap stream, you can use the DNS-collector. Here’s how to set it up:

Within your working directory, generate certificates and a private key for the server side:

openssl rand -base64 48 > passphrase.txt
openssl genrsa -aes128 -passout file:passphrase.txt -out server.key 2048
openssl req -new -passin file:passphrase.txt -key server.key -out server.csr -subj "/C=FR/O=krkr/OU=Domain Control Validated/CN=*"
openssl rsa -in server.key -passin file:passphrase.txt -out dnscollector.key
openssl x509 -req -days 36500 -in server.csr -signkey dnscollector.key -out dnscollector.crt

Create a file named config_dnscollector.conf in your working folder with the following content. This configuration sets up the DNS-collector with TLS support and specifies the certificate and key files.

    verbose: true

    - name: securednstap
        listen-port: 6000
        tls-support: true
        cert-file: "/custom/dnscollector.crt"
        key-file: "/custom/dnscollector.key"

    - name: console
        mode: text

    - from: [securednstap]
      to: [console]

Run the DNS-collector using the following command:

sudo docker run -d -p 6000:6000/tcp --name=dnscollector -v $PWD/:/custom dmachard/go-dnscollector:v0.34.0 -config /custom/config_dnscollector.conf

Check the DNS-collector logs to ensure everything is running properly. You should see log entries indicating that the DNS-collector is running and listening for secured DNStap connections.

INFO: 2023/08/28 07:57:39.848987 main - version v0.34.0
INFO: 2023/08/28 07:57:39.849738 main - starting dns-collector...
INFO: 2023/08/28 07:57:39.849742 main - loading loggers...
INFO: 2023/08/28 07:57:39.850252 [console] logger=stdout - enabled
INFO: 2023/08/28 07:57:39.887316 main - loading collectors...
INFO: 2023/08/28 07:57:39.887497 [securednstap] collector=dnstap - enabled
INFO: 2023/08/28 07:57:39.887506 main - routing: collector[securednstap] send to logger[console]
INFO: 2023/08/28 07:57:39.887701 main - running...
INFO: 2023/08/28 07:57:39.887713 [securednstap] collector=dnstap - starting collector...
INFO: 2023/08/28 07:57:39.887810 [securednstap] collector=dnstap - running in background...
INFO: 2023/08/28 07:57:39.887815 [securednstap] collector=dnstap - tls support enabled
INFO: 2023/08/28 07:57:39.887849 [console] logger=stdout - running in background...
INFO: 2023/08/28 07:57:39.888050 [console] logger=stdout - ready to process
INFO: 2023/08/28 07:57:39.888760 [securednstap] collector=dnstap - is listening on tls://[::]:6000
INFO: 2023/08/28 07:57:40.774579 [securednstap] collector=dnstap#1 - new connection from
INFO: 2023/08/28 07:57:40.774591 [securednstap] processor=dnstap#1 - initialization...
INFO: 2023/08/28 07:57:40.774909 [securednstap] processor=dnstap#1 - waiting dns message to process...
INFO: 2023/08/28 07:57:40.778959 [securednstap] collector=dnstap#1 - receiver framestream initialized

Testing Secure DNStap

To test your secure DNStap stream, perform a DNS resolution using CoreDNS:

dig -p 1053 +short +tcp

Next, check if your DNStap messages are being received by the DNS-collector: You should see log entries indicating that the DNS-collector has received and processed the DNS queries and responses from the secure DNStap stream.

sudo docker logs dnscollector
2023-08-28T07:59:24.028882855Z 9116ac214d22 CLIENT_QUERY NOERROR 51492 IPv4 TCP 55b A 0.000000
2023-08-28T07:59:24.028911293Z 9116ac214d22 FORWARDER_QUERY NOERROR 51492 IPv4 TCP 55b A 0.000000
2023-08-28T07:59:24.052002916Z 9116ac214d22 FORWARDER_RESPONSE NOERROR 51492 IPv4 TCP 73b A 0.000000
2023-08-28T07:59:24.052069329Z 9116ac214d22 CLIENT_RESPONSE NOERROR 51492 IPv4 TCP 73b A 0.000000
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